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Petite Pencil Project

Britt with her pencil projects.

It has been said that little things make big things happen, so this DIY is about the details! Although the effort and materials required are minimal, the pint-sized finished product packs a pretty punch! To recreate this clever snack-time craft all you need is a pack of yellow straws, pink crepe paper or basic construction paper, and some silver twist-ties! 

Fold the pink paper into a small square, then place the straw at the center, and just smoosh down the sides. Allowing enough of the pink paper showing to give the look of an eraser, start wrapping the straw with the silver twist tie (we found these in the baking supplies at Hobby Lobby!). This will both hold the pink paper down AND will look just like the metal fastener on a pencil! Hooray! Simply remove the embellishments to function again as a straw 🙂

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