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Homework Station

I’ve shared with you before that I was not always the most studious student. During college I was more into the social scene and working on charities than going to class. I’m preeetttyyyy sure I wouldn’t have passed any math or science class without help from family and friends!

Now, even though I get emotional sometimes about how time seems to be flying for my little guy, I’m aware that Brady is a loooong way off from heading to college. BUT, I want to put some strategies into place EARLY to try to assure that he is set up for success and focus when it comes to his education.

One tip I’ve heard is really helpful is to set up a specific Homework Station. This space will be organized with all the necessary supplies and materials all in one place, no more stalling productivity by running all over the house looking for missing supplies. Items could be based on grade level, but I’m thinking the basics like pencilseraserspaperrulerscissorspaper clipspost-it notes, etc. You may opt to store your station items in a traybox, or basket so it can be easily relocated, put away and brought back out for convenience.

Next, you want to choose a location for your station. I’m considering our dining room table as our hot spot because the tv won’t be a distraction and if I’m cooking or tidying up in the kitchen, I’ll be close by if he needs help. Also, if I need to get some work done myself I could pull up a spot at the station too!

Other logical items that have been suggested to me include a folder or tray for things a parent needs to sign or lay eyes on. Kiddos can take the initiative and put field trip permission slips or notes from the teacher in the folder, rather than mom and dad hunting through the backpack each evening.

Another handy item for the station might be an education event calendar, especially if you have multiple kiddos. If one of your little scholars has something important coming up: a spelling bee, a play, a big test, etc – they can mark that date in the calendar. (Side bar – if you ever find yourself reaching for straws when trying to make convo with your kids, this calendar would be a great source for topics!)

Are you eyeing my alphabet magnets flower vase? Sooo simple sister! Three ingredients: clear apothecary jar, basic alphabet magnets, grocery store flowers or faux florals! That’s it!

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