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Growth, Goals, & Girlfriends

Soo many new faces and visitors around here! I’m Brittany. Brittany Young. Doesn’t get much more 80’s than that. 😉

The common heart & mission of this little growing space is :: intentional celebrating. ❤️

That’s pretty much it, y’all. Life together. Easy or not. Being intentional with loving our people, celebrating everything, and spreading kindness.

My goal here is to be a resource for realistic, doable, and affordable fun. Making memories + loving deeply those around us for families of all kinds.

I’ve got one baby boy
((Brady Bug – s e v e n))
Life with him is a constant SNL skit. Days with him are loud, messy, and one big idea leading to the next. Love is big. He’s kind, adores his momma, and always has a hand in the pantry.

I like girly fashion, throwing a party, decorating my home, sharing a meal, wrapping a gift, sending a card, a glass of wine, big earrings, a good workout, and a day on the beach. I love hard. I mix patterns. I say what I mean… even if it’s too many words.

My family doesn’t look like yours. And yours doesn’t look like hers. But together, through intentional celebrating we are building deeper relationships, impacting homes, bringing families together, and changing communities.

My book + my magazine are important pieces of my world. Creating is air for me. chatting with you :: posting good finds :: sharing my world with you. I love your hearts. And I’m sooo thankful you’re here & allowing me to be a girlfriend of yours. It means so much. ❤️ BY

Jenn & Britt in leopard pj pants with book - Celebrate with Sprinkles.

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