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Transition Tablescape

The sun starts setting sooner, the air begins to crisp, the season smoothly transitions from summer to fall. This tablescape times perfectly with that transformation. The decor features fall neutrals – it doesn’t scream Halloween, yet it isn’t themed for thanksgiving. So go ahead and celebrate with this tablescape all fall long!

Welcome any reason to host a party or simply have friends over since your tablescape can stay set all season!

Tip: It’s ALWAYS a good idea to keep a fall flavor of Jackson Morgan Southern Cream on hand, especially to toast guests at your gatherings!

Looking to add splashes of color to balance the neutral elements? Feature fresh favorites from the farmer’s market or grocery store! These dabs of color can double as edible parts of your decor!

One of my favorite things about Jackson Morgan Southern Cream is the wide variety of flavors they offer! There is always a taste that compliments the temperature outside and the dinner on the table!

For the friendly events I host, the highlight of the night is unfailingly the libations that are served! Everyone enjoys sampling the flavors and choosing a favorite.

The Southern Creams transition with us through the seasons of life. When temps start to rise or fall, or a holiday is just around the corner, I always stock up on my Jackson Morgan!

Tempted to try out your own Transition Tablescape?
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