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Teacher Survival Kit

The first of school is as good a time as ever to send a treat to a teacher!
Maybe I’m drawing on Girl Scout days, but in the spirit of being prepared, I’m thinking of sending Teacher Survival Kits! It’s the beginning of the year, and teachers have probably been so busy transforming their classrooms that they may not have stocked their emergency stash just yet!

If you know the teacher personally, you could throw in items specific to their taste! Otherwise, we can roll with the basics! I’m thinking:

cough drops
chewing gum
hand sanitizer
stain remover stick

Other school supply-type items would probably be useful too!

paper clips
post-it notes
thumb tacks/push pins
binder clips
scotch tape
dry erase markers

I’m flexible on what items I will include, but I personally enjoy sending simple gifts in fun paper baskets!

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